Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Surreality (Part 15)

Minaroro woke without a hint of movement to give her newly conscious state away to anyone who might be watching her, a slight chill touched Minaroro’s skin informing her that her armor was gone. Minaroro moved imperceptibly testing her restraints, they would be too weak to hold Minaroro if she wanted out of them but that fact gave her the element of surprise, should she need it, considering she sensed at least five guards around her, she probably would.
Minaroro opened her eyes slightly and saw a very large man standing over her, “So this is what a mighty Draconian soldier looks like?” the man sneered as he lifted Minaroro up by her neck, “I am disappointed, this soldier, a member of the most feared race in the universe, is nothing more then a little girl” after saying this the man threw Minaroro towards the wall with only minor effort. Minaroro’s eyes snapped open, her restraints flew apart, and she immediately rotated in a tight ball so her feet hit the wall first; pushing off from the wall Minaroro tackled the man who had thrown her, slamming them both into the opposite wall 50 feet away. The mans fearful eyes reflected Minaroro’s emotionless face, they also informed Minaroro that the other guards had their weapons trained on her head.
Minutes passed with no one moving, “Alright that’s enough, put new restraints on her and lets get moving the council wants to see her in 10 minutes” said the young squad leader, who had, until the fight broke out, been napping unnoticed in the corner. Minaroro allowed the guards to place restraints on her and walked with them towards what she figured would be a location closer to an exit, Minaroro also was morbidly curious as to what fate awaited a captured soldier because no Draconian had ever been captured and her people did not take prisoners as far as she knew. Minaroro studied the route they were taking with great care in hopes of finding some detail that would help in her escape. “Here we are, you go in alone, Draconian” the squad leader informed Minaroro as he held the door open for her. “I think these are yours” Minaroro said quietly as she handed the restraints, she had removed, back to the squad leader and walked through the door to find out her fate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

O_O! DUUUDE saweeet chapter =x!