Thursday, February 7, 2008

Surreality (part 7)

Meanwhile, the girl cautiously peeked around the corner, in time to collide with the quickly moving alien boy. “Wow, you’re head is hard” the alien boy said while lying on the ground and rubbing his forehead. “Sorry if I scared you back there. My name is Tamas, what’s yours?” the boy asked while helping the girl back to her feet. “My name is Mansaroro” the young girl said nervously while looking at the floor. “Mansaroro, pretty name, I shall call you Roro”, Tamas declared after some thought. “So can I call you As-“, Mansaroro’s query was cut off by her older sisters arrival. “So the worthless runt survived her first marks, I’ll bet mother and father went easy on you because you’re so pathetic. Ha, they gave you an even more worthless pet as well” Mansaroro’s sister laughed as she lifted Tamas up with one hand and threw him against the wall. “Tamas, Are you okay?” Mansaroro cried out as she ran to her injured new friend. “Enjoy your worthless pet runt” Mansaroro’s sister said over her shoulder as she walked off laughing.
“Are you injured?” Mansaroro asked with great concern. Tamas’s stomach answered before Tamas could and Mansaroro’s stomach rumbled in agreement, “I think food will cure me of my aliment, Roro”, Tamas said with a grin.
Mansaroro helped Tamas up and they ventured back to the dining area, they had left not to long ago, in search of food. There were two steaming plates of food on the table when they arrived, and judging from the stack of dirty plates, everyone else had already eaten and left for other tasks. “Well, shall we eat?” Tamas asked as he bowed dramatically to Mansaroro. Mansaroro giggled then raced Tamas to the table.

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